“Re/Gen” Installation

Re/Gen: A Jazz Only Night (2024)
Installation and Performance
Presented at In the Lowest Ferns, Kansas City, MO, on August 31, 2024.

Re/Gen is a performance curated by Eddie Moore for In the Lowest Ferns, a contemporary nightlife space in Kansas City. The goal of the evening was to be a modern challenge to the traditional ““Jazz” scenes that made Kansas City famous, offering a reimagined understanding of what a Jazz show could be.

The goal of the installation was to create projections that were as fluid as the performances with a minimal footprint. Semi-transparent panels were built to “Catch” the projections in a 3-demensional space as they were layered over the performance area. This allowed for all angles to experience their own perspective of the live video performance and create a connective intimacy in the room. Often “live visuals” for music performances are behind the performers as background, but through this installation, the role of the visuals serves as a mutual expression between audio and visuals.


Sights and Sounds series


SabaDos Interactive Billboards